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ECB President Lagarde Warns of Risks to Financial Markets from Coronavirus Epidemic

ECB President Lagarde Warns of Risks to Financial Markets from Coronavirus Epidemic

Nick Cawley, Senior Strategist


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ECB Meeting and EUR/USD Price, News and Analysis:

  • ECB under increasing pressure to act on Thursday.
  • Bank of England the latest central bank to slash interest rates.

ECB Lagarde Priming Markets for Further Monetary Loosening

Ahead of Thursday’s critical ECB meeting, President Christine Lagarde has released a statement saying that the central bank is ready to‘take appropriate and targeted measures, as necessary and commensurate with the underlying risks’ to fight off risks to the ‘economic outlook and the functioning of financial markets.’

Live Data Coverage – ECB Rate Decision Webinar

Market participants are already expecting the ECB to cut rates by 10bps to -0.60% and to announce a range of other options to try and ward off the effects of the coronavirus to growth and financial stability in the Eurozone. Other measures may include additional lending to SMEs and changes to the TLTRO program.

ECB Could Double Down on TLTROs to Combat Coronavirus Market Meltdown

The Bank of England earlier today slashed interest rates by 50 basis points today, taking its lending rate down from 0.75% to 0.25%, following interest rates cuts by the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada and the Reserve Bank of Australia in recent days. The G7 group of finance ministers said at the start of the month that they would act in a coordinated fashion to prevent economies from tipping into recession. The ECB will now be in the spotlight to act decisively especially with Italy now in full lockdown and with heightened fears that other Eurozone members may soon follow suit.

EUR/USD has given back a portion of its recent gains against the US dollar, in part due to the recent pick-up in value of the US dollar, alongside expectations of further ECB loosening.

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